I want to learn OpenCV and AI

I have taken a crash course in Python, and I have now found an interest in Artificial Intelligence. And this is how I am going to start.

I am learning this OpenCV and AI topic from Paul McWhorter, he is an amazing teacher!

Today, I would like to share my first AI Python Script. It isn’t much, but I am proud of it. But before I show the script, here are the steps for installing OpenCV (I am running these in a Virtual Enviornment, per Mr. McWhorter’s instructions):

pip install opencv-python=

I am also running all of this in Visual Studio Code.

import cv2
cam=cv2.VideoCapture(1, cv2.CAP_DSHOW)
ret,  frame = cam.read()
while True:
    ignore,  frame = cam.read()

    cv2.imshow('my Cam TopRight',frame)
    cv2.imshow('my Cam TopLeft',grayFrame)
    cv2.imshow('my Cam BottomRight',grayFrame)
    cv2.imshow('my Cam BottomLeft',frame)

    cv2.moveWindow('my Cam TopRight',1210,0)
    cv2.moveWindow('my Cam TopLeft',0,0)
    cv2.moveWindow('my Cam BottomRight',1210,552)
    cv2.moveWindow('my Cam BottomLeft',0,552)

    if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xff ==ord('q'):

Here is how the code works: We first import cv2 and make a camera object (called cam) where the video capture will happen. the


function will read from the camera, and return a frame. So, to make this a “video”, we just repeadetly retrieve frames from the camera.

And this part of the code will simply just make and move a window to show the frame:

cv2.imshow('my Cam TopRight',frame)
    cv2.imshow('my Cam TopLeft',grayFrame)
    cv2.imshow('my Cam BottomRight',grayFrame)
    cv2.imshow('my Cam BottomLeft',frame)

    cv2.moveWindow('my Cam TopRight',1210,0)
    cv2.moveWindow('my Cam TopLeft',0,0)
    cv2.moveWindow('my Cam BottomRight',1210,552)
    cv2.moveWindow('my Cam BottomLeft',0,552)

Finally, we exit this loop if the ‘q’ key on the keyboard is pressed:

    if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xff ==ord('q'):

That’s it!!

These lessons will be short posts summarizing OpenCV principles!

Hope you enjoyed!!